Friday, June 26, 2015

Written Word ( and update)

How the hey ya is it Friday already. Sorry I missed posting this on the actual Wednesday. We're in the process of packing for our big move across the street. That's funny. It's only a big move because we have so much crap.

I asked Gregg last night, " how in the world did we accumulate so much junk in the almost 4 years we've been married?" He laughed and told me half of it we got as wedding gifts and another quarter was from having Zoe. The rest we just gather because , well, we like stuff.

Anyways , I digress. We're moving across the street , so i'm shoving blogging in between packing sessions. I have no more boxes, so I'm here. I'll go ahead and write a few posts and save them so I can get those published on their days. for the next 2 weeks. I have 3 full days of packing left. We get our new keys and move in on July 1st. So that's awesome sauce.

Also, just a heads up I'll be in Georgia visiting family for a month , so my posting will be sporadic while there as well.

Now to the good stuff.

"People say that I don't know how lucky I am to have been born a princess. That every girl grows up dreaming that someday she will be a princess. That a handsome prince will ride up on a white horse , they'll fall in love and live happily ever after. Not me. I was born Princess Isla Odette Kensington. Third in line to the throne. All I want is to live my life out of the eyes of the people. To be just another person in the crowd. "

"My days are spent studying how to be the perfect leader , should the throne ever become mine. If it doesn't I will be married off to some prince, in order to maintain the peace. An arranged marriage. We're one of the only kingdoms to still participate in the barbaric practice. Why I can't marry for love is beyond my comprehension. "

That's this weeks paragraph. It's going to get long , so I'm not sure how I'll start doing this once it reaches a page. I will probably link to older posts or something. I'll let you guys know.

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