Today's post is all about my sims. Something funny has been happening in my game. Well , actually , it's really sad. I thought it was a good story though , so I wanted to share. I usually just tell my sister or husband all the stories from my sims games. Lately I've been watching YouTube videos of "Let's Play's" and that seems like more fun. I don't know how to do video while I play though , So until then I'll just do this. This is my hobby that I love the most , aside from reading. Instead of being ashamed of it , I've decided to own it like a boss. So here we go into my story telling very quickly so you know what has happened that is sad , but makes me giggle because it's just sims life.
So, This first guy , he's the character I created months ago to do a challenge with. It's going very well , thank you for asking. His name is Akinli Stoddard. I based him loosely off a character in a book I had just read. The challenge is to complete everything I can in the game. So for now I have aging turned off. Everything meaning jobs, collections , aspirations , and skills. He is currently in the Detective career.
This Is Candy Stoddard , originally Candy Behr. I might have spelled her maiden name wrong , but you get the point. Well , Akinli met Candy and they really hit it off. As in I have freewill turned on in the game , and he managed to get her knocked up with their oldest. Anyways. I had them get married. She seemed like quite a catch , and they really did love each other. Well I had moved Akinli out so he could finish my challenge. Doing the challenge I've taken on is hard with 6 kids in the house.
While Akinli was living in town and working we discovered that Candy is a felon. As in her own husband arrested and convicted her of TWO felonies. So I decided maybe he needs to ditch Candy. So I moved him back into the household long enough to gather his collections, because there was no way I was going to lose all my progress over this. Then he divorced her and that was that.
Yet it wasn't finished because of course they had 6 kids together. This is their oldest child Julissa. I didn't get to name her because Candy and Akinli weren't living together at the time. So , with a father who bailed ( because 6 kids and completing a challenge remember?) , and a mother in prison, Julissa has become the head of the household. I've moved her and the rest of the kids out into a new house. I plan on doing a challenge with just them. I'll introduce the rest of the kids below , then close up this post.
Next oldest is Eric, one of two blonde kids.
Next up are the twins Jane and Jillian. In that order.
This is Jared and the other blonde kid.
Finally the baby of the house , and an unplanned pregnancy, Jordan
So that's what i've been doing with my time for the last few months. I love playing sims. If this is something people are interested in hearing about , and maybe even still if people aren't, I'll post weekly about my adventures or give little updates. I do what makes me happy. I do plan on looking for some CC today for my princess challenge I want to start eventually. I don't know when for sure. Depends on when I finish this current challenge. Or get bored of it. Whichever happens first.
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